Tara Rumsey


30-Year Leader

Tara is a 30-year leader who started out as a Resource Leader but 12 years ago began the Blazing Clovers 4-H Club.  She got her start in volunteering from her own 4-H experience and the influence of her mom, who also served in the role of Organizational Leader.  Tara stays motivated through the program by watching the growth and development of the 4-H members and seeing them recognized for their efforts.  Outside of 4-H, Tara is active with her church and enjoys spending time with family and traveling to livestock shows.  The most important aspect of being a leader to Tara is assisting the members to reach their goals.  Her actions, values and dedication inspire them to strive for excellence and embody the positive qualities of leadership.  Being a leader isn’t just about teaching skills; it’s about fostering growth, building character, and masking a lasting impression on young lives.